All you have to do is eat the foods you normally eat except you eat half of it. For example if you normally eat a cup of rice, eat half a cup instead. By doing this you are eating a little less therefore shrinking your stomach and losing excess weight you have
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Simple diet
All you have to do is eat the foods you normally eat except you eat half of it. For example if you normally eat a cup of rice, eat half a cup instead. By doing this you are eating a little less therefore shrinking your stomach and losing excess weight you have
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Deep conditioning hair mask for damaged hair
You will need:
1 egg yolk
4-5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 cup mayonnaise
mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Apply to your hair and cover with a shower cap to lock in heat and moisture. Leave on for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes are up wash it out of your hair
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Natural hair conditioner
You will need:
Olive oil
Take a half cup of olive oil and heat it up (dont boil). Liberally apply to your hair and cover your hair with a plastic bag then wrap it in a towel. Let it set for 45 minutes, then shampoo and rinse your hair thoroughly.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
No milk to reduce acne
Friday, January 20, 2012
Egg yolk acne mask
a bowl
an egg
something to stir with
separate the egg yolk from the egg white. whip the egg yolk and apply to your face and leave it there for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water
How this works: the egg yolk contains vitamin A which can help get rid of any acne scars you may have.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Yogurt acne mask
You will need:
Plain yogurt
A bowl
Optional: banana, pineapple, papaya
Take about 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and apply to your face and leave on for 5-10 minutes.. add and mix mashed banana, pineapple, or papaya to the yogurt for a more exfoliating mask. Wash off with cool water and pat face dry
How this works: this mask has vitamin C and collagen that are both very helpful for skin. This mask helps keep skin from sagging and getting wrinkles
Salt and olive oil acne mask
You will need:
Olive oil (any kind will work)
Salt (any kind will work)
Small bowl
Make a paste by mixing 4 tablespoons salt with 3 tablespoons olive oil. Apply and soread around your face. Leave on 5-10 minutes and rinse off with cool soapy water. Apply daily for 1 week, then cut back to 2-3 times per week.
How this works: The salt cleanses your pores by exfoliating them, while the olive oil naturally replenishes moisture to your skin
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Egg white acne mask
An egg
A bowl
Separate the white from the egg yolk. Whip the egg white until it reaches a thick foamy state. Apply to your face for 10 minutes and rinse off.
How this works: The egg white tightens your skin and shrinks your pores. It also helps clear noticable red spots
WARNING: please do not use this mask if you are allergic to eggs
Monday, January 16, 2012
lemon juice and cinnamon acne mask

- Lemon Juice
- Ground cinnamon
- small bowl
How this works: Both the cinnamon and lemon juice are antioxidants and when combined this equals a strong antioxidant combination that kills bacteria